Why Choose Autoflowering Seeds?
Autoflowering cannabis seeds can be a faster, more efficient way of growing cannabis. They are very popular- especially amongst beginners. Autoflowering seeds are especially suited for outdoor growers and people with a limited growing space. The plants produced are easy to grow and automatically switch from the vegetative stage to flowering within approximately 4 weeks. Once in the flowering stage the harvest time can typically range from 5 to 6 weeks, making the time frame from start to finish approximately 10 weeks on average.
Another great reason for growing Autoflowering seeds is the start up cost-
growing them outside, in the summer months with natural sunlight
eliminates the use of energy draining fluorescent lights and thus, not having to worry about the electricity bill growing faster than your plants! Unlike photoperiod cannabis seeds that require a light cycle of 12 hours light and 12 hours darkness before entering the flowering stage, which will in turn, mean your plants will not start flowering until the summer is over. Start your Autoflowering seeds off in the spring and enjoy the fruits of your labour in the summer. You can view Buddy's range of Autoflowering Seeds on our website Buddy's Seeds

Buddy's Tips On Growing Autoflowering Seeds In Your Garden.
The following is a low-cost way of growing and recommended for
beginners, keeping things as basic as possible.
It all starts off by germinating the seeds the right way and giving your plants the
best possible start to life. Start by placing some paper towel at the bottom of
a small plastic container and gently place your seeds on top, cover the seeds
with another piece of paper towel, this needs to be damp with lukewarm water. It
is important the seed is damp and not wet, as too much water will rot the seed.
Place your container in a warm, dark environment making sure the paper towel
stays damp. Do not allow to dry out! Drying the seed out will stop them from
Keeping them moist is the best way to better your chances of a successful
After 2 to 3 days your seeds should now have sprouted white tails, get yourself
some small pots and fill with potting soil. Make a small hole in the soil with your
finger approximately 10mm deep and gently place your seeds in with their tails
down and cover them with the soil- keep the soil damp! Seedlings love high
humidity and thrive from it so keeping them in a propagator is recommended. Be
sure to keep your seedlings out of direct sunlight, we don't want to burn our
baby's now do we.
Soon you will notice your seedlings are starting to look more like small plants,
now it's time to repot in them in bigger and final pots. For keeping costs down, I
would recommend using a good quality potting soil from your local garden centre.
Watering Your Plants.
If you intend on giving your plants water only and allowing them to feed off the
organic nutrients in the soil, one of the things we recommend you understand is
the PH levels in your water and what levels they need to be to help your plants
take up everything they need to produce those amazing's buds. The optimum PH level should be between 5.8 - 6.2
You don't need to be a scientist to get your water ready for your plants. Have
enough water in a container a day or two before watering. Using an electric air
pump- allow the water to bubble and breath to clear it of any chlorine.
Knowing if your water quality is hard or soft you may need to purchase a PH pen
and some PH down, particularly if you have hard water you will need to use PH
down to get the PH levels right for your plants. If your water is soft the
soil should naturally buffer your PH levels.
Knowing When Your Plants Are Ready For Harvest.
As your plants start to approach the end of their flowering cycle, you will notice
the buds start to get more dense and the white pistils turning brown, the leaves
will also turn yellow. Using a small microscope, take a closer look at the
trichomes (resin glands that decorate the surface of the leaves and buds) you will notice they have gone from clear to milky and some will have turned amber.
Congratulations it is now time to harvest.
Drying & Curing Your Buds.
Cut the plants from the bottom of the main stem, remove any fan leaves and
hang to dry for approximately 5 days in a dark place with the humidity levels between 55-65% with a nice air flow. Once dried, trim off any excess leaves as
its now time to cure the buds.
Curing your buds is arguably the most critical step towards preserving the flavour and potency of your product. You will need some airtight jars curing. Place your buds into the jars making sure the lids are on and sealed for two weeks. The first week you will need to open the jars twice a day for approximately 5 minutes at a time, this process is known as burping. Repeat this process once a day for the second week. It's now time to give yourself a pat on the back, you’re now officially a grower!
Visit our website, the home of premium quality cannabis seeds. www.buddysseeds.co.uk
Buddy's Seeds